Jangromatic Toilet Rolls to fit Katrin Dispenser – Bulk Buy – Big savings! 20 cases
These soft and effective Jangromatic toilet rolls are designed alongside Katrin to be the perfect fit for Katrin System Toilet Roll Dispensers. 800 sheets in length, these rolls can effectively supply the busiest of restrooms. From pubs and restaurants to schools and public toilets, the Jangromatic toilet tissues offer long-lasting durability alongside the comfort of 2ply thickness. With 36 rolls in every case, the Jangromatic paper will last and last. This toilet roll is an eco-friendlier option when compared to many other toilet paper options, gaining certification from EU flower and the Nordic Swan Eco Label. Like all Katrin toilet paper, the high-quality fibres used ensures easy breakdown and effective dissolution in water, proven by the Metsä Tissue 02 method (a 90 second dissolving test).
The award winning Katrin Toilet Roll Dispenser, available in both black and white, allows for reduction in waste through controlled dispensing. When used with two Jangromatic toilet rolls that can be fitted inside, hygiene can also be improved due to the tissues composition of fibre which is 100% recycled. The practical yet attractive design matches a wide range of available co-ordinating products, such as hand soap and hand towel dispensers. To find out more about these products, and for more information on Katrin dispensers call 0845 207 1955 to speak to our cleaning product experts, or view more toilet paper rolls in our paper hygiene department for these Jangro products and more.